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The Dark Tower

2017 • 94 минут
346 шүүмж
Үнэлгээ болон шүүмжийг баталгаажуулаагүй  Нэмэлт мэдээлэл авах
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Based on the best-selling book series by highly-acclaimed author Stephen King. The last Gunslinger, Roland (Idris Elba), has been locked in an eternal battle with the Man in Black (Matthew McConaughey), determined to prevent him from toppling the Dark Tower, which holds the universe together. With the fate of the worlds at stake, good and evil will collide in the epic battle as only Roland can defend the Tower from the Man in Black.

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346 шүүмж
Jason Trinder
2017 оны арван хоёрдугаар сарын 17
Having enjoyed the books I was looking forward to see how they had managed to move such a leviathan of a story onto the big screen. Unfortunately they failed, by watering down and disassembling a complex story into a child friendly fairy tale they have managed to create a film which bares no resemblance to the source material.
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Google хэрэглэгч
2017 оны арван хоёрдугаар сарын 14
I really liked. Never heard of this movie until I saw it on play movies. watched the trailer and thought it looked like a nice movie to watch. Its the kind of story I really like. They didn't build up characters that were later killed which I like. The story of the boy wasn't shown much in the trailer so that was a nice surprise. And I would love a possible sequel where the boy is grown up and over powered. That would be nice. So far only Japanese and Chinese light novels have capitalized on this very popular genre.
17 хүн энэ шүүмжийг хэрэгтэй гэж үзсэн
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Jane Burke
2018 оны арван хоёрдугаар сарын 11
For everyone who is saying they don't understand the harsh comments. You clearly haven't read the books. 7 amazing books condensed into 90 minutes with so many characters missing. A dire misrepresentation of the best Stephen king story ever. The film should never have been made.
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