The Dark and the Wicked

2020 • 95 minut
74 recenzí
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Zvuk ani titulky nejsou k dispozici ve vašem jazyce. Dostupné jazyky titulků: Angličtina.

O tomto filmu

On a secluded farm, a man is bedridden and fighting through his final breaths while his wife slowly succumbs to overwhelming grief. Siblings Louise and Michael return home to help, but it doesn’t take long for them to see that something’s wrong with mom, something more than her heavy sorrow. Gradually, they begin to suffer a darkness similar to their mother’s, marked by waking nightmares and a growing sense that an evil entity is taking over their family.

Hodnocení a recenze

74 recenzí
Greg Rayfield
28. listopadu 2020
The movie had some genuine moments of unsettling creepiness that I loved. Unfortunately, the movie had too many scares basically making it not scary. Creepiness from dread and despair only works through build up. This movie could have been great if it would have left you wondering more about the evil priest and the unknown of what is trying to get inside. The choice to make the evil right in the people's faces all the time took the scariness out of it. Worth a rent at a lower price like $3.
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Surviving Depression
10. října 2021
This one had a lot of potential and, to me, was slightly better than movies like Anything for Jackson. However, I wish there was just a bit more back story to why Satan was haunting this family. It appeared in the trailer that some underground tunnel was found, possibly in the house or barn, but was nowhere to be found in movie. It appeared this may have been taken out of the movie last minute, maybe , but could have gave a bit more origin to what was going on.
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Picachu Girl
12. června 2021
Not a bad story, and it was objectively well done. But it shouldve had a content warning for the suicide. I regret watching it, cause that topic is really triggering. Like if suicide bothers you, watch a different horror movie. Save your mental health. Ill be ok though, ive calmed down after like an hour 😶
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