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The Dawn Wall

2018. • 100 минута
100 рецензија
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О овом филму

In January, 2015, American rock climbers Tommy Caldwell and Kevin Jorgeson captivated the world with their effort to climb the Dawn Wall, a seemingly impossible 3,000 foot rock face in Yosemite National Park, California. The pair lived on the sheer vertical cliff for weeks, igniting a frenzy of global media attention. But for Tommy Caldwell, the Dawn Wall was much more than just a climb. It was the culmination of a lifetime defined by overcoming obstacles. At the age of 22, the climbing prodigy was taken hostage by rebels in Kyrgyzstan. Shortly after, he lost his index finger in an accident, but resolved to come back stronger. When his marriage fell apart, he escaped the pain by fixating on the extraordinary goal of free climbing the Dawn Wall. Blurring the line between dedication and obsession, Caldwell and his partner Jorgeson spend six years meticulously plotting and practicing their route. On the final attempt, with the world watching, Caldwell is faced with a moment of truth. Should he abandon his partner to fulfill his ultimate dream, or risk his own success for the sake of their friendship?

Оцене и рецензије

100 рецензија
Google корисник
29. март 2019.
Absolutely great movie. Well written, well-edited. And the story? Well, it will push you to the edge, literally. For non-climbers, this movie might seem the portrait of climbing geeks, people that sacrifices their life just to go one step further. But this is the point. Humans did not achieve anything without pushing one step further. Non-clibers will learn a lot about the mental state needed for climbing. |I think even the most experienced climber will be amazed at this movie, and at the history of these extraordianry individuals. Finally, the humility and self-control of these characters are inspiring, and this message goes well beyond the small community of elite climbers.
Edward Rackley
30. новембар 2021.
Wall, shmall. This movie is about something else, more timeless and essential: the imperative of putting others first. Success of the group is always greater than individual glory. These guys show how powerful that mindset can be. A near-extinct ethos in morally bankrupt, 'winner take all' USA. So much amazing detail, deliberate and accidental, noted and left in by the directors makes every moment a multi-layered visual and expressive feast. Just the sequencing of the narrative and how it builds backstory into the climb as it unfolds was genius alone. Sure everyone loves Free Solo but to me this story/film is far FAR better on so many levels. I watched it straight through, then started it again immediately. Never done that with a film. So much to chew on in each scene, visually, conceptually and yes, emotionally.
Parker D.
6. октобар 2021.
This was the most perfect inspirational, motivational, and true story I have heard of in a long time. So many questions on How so I will have to read the book but really, its just amazing how friendship and family can make this life extraordinary in its greatest accomplishments.