The Demolisher

2016 тАв 85 рморм┐рмирм┐рмЯрнНтАМ
5рмЯрм┐ рм╕рморнАрмХрнНрм╖рм╛
рн▒рнЗрммрнН рммрнНрм░рм╛рмЙрмЬрм░рнН рмХрм┐рморнНрммрм╛ рм╕рморм░рнНрмерм┐рмд рмбрм┐рмнрм╛рмЗрм╕рмЧрнБрмбрм╝рм┐рмХрм░рнЗ рмжрнЗрмЦрмирнНрмдрнБ┬армЕрмзрм┐рмХ рмЬрм╛рмгрмирнНрмдрнБ
рмирм╛ рмЕрмбрм┐рмУ рмирм╛ рм╕рммрнНтАМрмЯрм╛рмЗрмЯрм▓рнНтАМрмЧрнБрмбрм╝рм┐рмХ рмЖрмкрмгрмЩрнНрмХ рмнрм╛рм╖рм╛рм░рнЗ рмЙрмкрм▓рммрнНрмз рмЕрмЫрм┐ред рм╕рммрнНтАМрмЯрм╛рмЗрмЯрм▓рнНтАМрмЧрнБрмбрм╝рм┐рмХ рмЗрмВрм░рм╛рмЬрнАрм░рнЗ рмЙрмкрм▓рммрнНрмзред

рмПрм╣рм┐ рморнБрмнрм┐ рм╕рморнНрммрмирнНрмзрм░рнЗ

Tormented by a crippling sense of responsibility for his disabled wife Samantha, an ex-policewoman who was a victim of gang violence, cable repairman Bruce channels his feelings of injustice into a dark and violent path of vigilantism. Donning riot gear and taking to the streets to right the seemingly infinite number of wrongs committed every day, Bruce becomes The Demolisher, a one-man wrecking ball tearing through a city blighted by crime and hatred. As his tenuous grasp on reality weakens with each foray into the urban decay that surrounds him, Bruce begins to find twisted refuge in his world of extreme violence. But his dangerously escalating anger may ultimately cost him his own life as well as the lives of the innocent he thought he was protecting. Like the stylistically brutal films of Nicolas Winding Refn, THE DEMOLISHER is an unapologetic portrayal of what can happen when a fragile mind is pushed too far.

рморнВрм▓рнНрнЯрм╛рмЩрнНрмХрми рмУ рм╕рморнАрмХрнНрм╖рм╛

5рмЯрм┐ рм╕рморнАрмХрнНрм╖рм╛
Thomas Lacey
рмирмнрнЗрморнНрммрм░ 9, 2016
Really is more of an art film than anything.
рмПрм╣рм╛ рмЖрмкрмгрмЩрнНрмХрнБ рмЙрмкрмпрнЛрмЧрнА рммрнЛрм▓рм┐ рмормирнЗ рм╣рнЗрм▓рм╛ рмХрм┐?

рмПрм╣рм┐ рморнБрмнрм┐рмХрнБ рморнВрм▓рнНрнЯрм╛рмЩрнНрмХрми рмХрм░рмирнНрмдрнБ

рмЖрмкрмг рмХрмг рмнрм╛рммрнБрмЫрмирнНрмдрм┐ рмдрм╛рм╣рм╛ рмЖрмормХрнБ рмЬрмгрм╛рмирнНрмдрнБред