Gabriel H Stockstill
Why does this actress only take roles like this? I mean it was more fascinating seeing Kirsten dunst play Marie Antoinette than Keira knightly continue to consider roles like this. Where's the versatility in her acting besides wearing big hair and tight corsets?

Lady CharleneGrace
Overall, this is a great period piece that stays true to Lady G's spirit& memory. I enjoy the detailed costimes& effort to recreate the 18thC world this Lady inhabited! My husband even liked it & I loved how he got upset at The Duke for being so cold& quite unloving to Lady G. Comparing this movie with historical fact, it is a fair representation w/out TOO much artistic license! The casting was nearly spot-on! (It is unlikely Lady G ever partook in a lesbian relationship/experimentation.)

carly underwood
I love how they portrayed the other side of the affair stories instead of oh he cheated on his wife he's a terrible person you get to see how terribly she is treated