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The Eagle Huntress

2016 • 87 daqiqa
68 ta sharh
Tilingiz uchun audio va taglavha yo‘q. Taglavhalar mazkur tillar uchun bor: inglizcha.

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The Eagle Huntress follows Aisholpan, a 13-year-old girl, as she trains to become the first female in twelve generations of her Kazakh family to become an eagle hunter, and rises to the pinnacle of a tradition that has been handed down from father to son for centuries.

Reytinglar va sharhlar

68 ta sharh
Ru Fus
12-fevral, 2017
Breathtaking film including a great song by Sia, "Angel by the Wings". Would have liked to see more cultural discussions, such as: a) Why was English the predominant language spoken in school (that area borders Russia and China)?, b) A language which almost sounds Slavic-based is occasionally heard but the language of the natives is a mystery and an explanation of the derivation would have been appreciated, c) Ashol-Pan's family seem to respect devout Islamic traditions, but there is no discussion of the predominant religions or philosophies. That said, it is a wonderful, inspiring story and a look into life of modern day Mongolia/Kazakh with its lingering rural roots.
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Bobby Timmons
11-fevral, 2017
Asholpan is a brave, brilliant young girl. The cinematography in this film is breathtaking. Watch this movie on the biggest screen you can to fully appreciate it.
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15-mart, 2017
Loved it... BEAUTIFUL scenery.. inspiring story..
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