The Edge of Seventeen

2016. • 104 perc
1,87 E vélemény
17 év felettieknek
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Sem hangsáv, sem felirat nem áll rendelkezésre a nyelveden. A következő nyelveken áll rendelkezésre felirat: angol.

A filmről

In the vein of classic coming-of-age films like Sixteen Candles and The Breakfast Club, The Edge of Seventeen is a poignant and hilarious look at what it's like to be a teenager today. Growing up is hard, and life is no easier for Nadine (Hailee Steinfeld, Pitch Perfect 2), who is already at peak awkwardness when her best friend Krista (Haley Lu Richardson, Ravenswood) begins dating her all-star brother Darian (Blake Jenner, Glee). All at once, Nadine feels more alone than ever. With the help of her reluctant sounding-board (Woody Harrelson, True Detective), she soon discovers that what feels like the end of the world may just be the beginning of growing up. Also starring Kyra Sedgwick (The Closer), see the movie critics are calling "an instant high school movie classic" (Dave Ehrlich, IndieWire).
17 év felettieknek

Értékelések és vélemények

1,87 E vélemény
Earning Attorney
2017. május 23.
I really enjoyed this movie. I saw it opening week with a crowd larger than I expected. I hadn't even heard of this gem if it hadn't been for my date who insisted on seeing it. I didn't have high hopes going in. I loved Woody in his other work but based on the few trailers I wasn't too optimistic. It seemed almost hipster-ish and maybe cringe worthy. In was wrong. It was amazing. It was funny, dramatic and authentic. The performances were all great the characters (or rather the situations they're in) are very believable and relocatable to modern teens. I recommend this firstly to any and all teens especially if they're freshmen/sophomores. Also to anyone looking for a great and under-watched film!
15 személy hasznosnak találta ezt a véleményt.
Don Won Delanooch
2017. június 5.
Woody Harrelson is hardly in the movie, it's depressing as balls, this is not a comedy, I would like a refund, and I'll stick to dick and fart joke movies from now on cuz I know wut I'm getting...I'm watching "Balls of Fury" now to level off
8 személy hasznosnak találta ezt a véleményt.
Mirela Certan
2017. február 23.
It was not worth my time and I regret watching it. Literally no important meaning and I will never watch it again. I would say the trailer was click bait because they made it look like it would be an interesting movie but it was sure wrong. Very disappointed with this movie.
36 személy hasznosnak találta ezt a véleményt.