The Endless Summer: Digitally Remastered

1966. • 91 minuta
69 recenzija
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Za vaš jezik nije dostupan audiozapis ni titlovi. Titlovi su dostupni za Engleski.

O ovom filmu

They call it The Endless Summer the ultimate surfing adventure, crossing the globe in search of the perfect wave. From the uncharted waters of West Africa, to the shark-filled seas of Australia, to the tropical paradise of Tahiti and beyond, these California surfers accomplish in a few months what most people never do in a lifetime - They live their dream.

Ocjene i recenzije

69 recenzija
Daniel Cooper
10. veljače 2015.
So many surfers of my generation point to this movie as the reason why they wanted to try surfing. Count me as a huge fan of this film for that reason, alone.
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23. srpnja 2020.
Racist voiceover throughout. Skip 10 minutes in to hear it for yourself. This film should not be being sold.
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Rix Kline
27. prosinca 2014.
This is one of the best surfah Flix eva. I wen watch email plenty like dat!!!
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