Mike Young
If you like movies about hero types killing all and winning then this is the movie for you. For me, the first 20 minutes was decent with the young prostitute trying to change her life and making friends with an older guy who seems to want a simple ordered life. If that story had progressed this might of been something special. But it instead went the way you'd expect with no surprises and a few chuckles and a couple "all rights". I got to watch it for 99cents and it's worth that but I don't think I'd pay more than 2.99 otherwise.
Beauty N The G
Movie started slow with little promise. Gradually throughout it picked up pace to be a murderous rendition of a human super hero. Acting improved as did the script to become a film worth watching. From unique kills to skilled techniques Denzel played his typical role. Entertaining yet lacked a new character. I don't remember his name nor will you. We will call him Denzel.
Zach Stuhler
Never uses a gun in the entire movie except for once, technically not actually using it seeing as he uses another man's shattered arm to nudge the trigger in the beginning of the film. Very clever way of killing the Ruskys in this film..The film was definitely a back at ya to the Taken franchise. Different plot,same skill set with the extreme professional killing know how and shady government past. Denzel rocks this film out. Watch it.
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