The Escort

2015 • 87 минут
963 шүүмж
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An unlikely bond forms between two sexually consumed outcasts. Mitch, a sex obsessed journalist, convinces Natalie, a Stanford- educated prostitute, to allow him to follow her around for an exposé he’s writing for a magazine. While initially hesitant to allow him into her life, Natalie eventually sees an upside for herself, as she (unbeknownst to Mitch) starts using him as a bodyguard to protect her from the assorted personalities she deals with on a nightly basis. What starts out as a business proposition, develops into something more.

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963 шүүмж
Tom Wilson
2015 оны аравдугаар сарын 26
***SMALL SPOILER ALERT*** I really liked this movie! This is not very much a comedy as much as it is a love story. needless to say, it was a good story line and a great ending! I recommend it highly. I would have given it 5 stars if the ending showed him getting the job, even though i'm fairly certain he did.
David Devaney, Jr.
2016 оны зургаадугаар сарын 5
I really enjoyed this movie. I expected it to be just another campy comedy that showed Sex Workers in a bad light. It definitely wasn't that. It was a fun Rom-Com that touched on serious issues, like online bullying and how women enjoy sex too. It kinda felt like a modern day Pretty Woman and I'd definitely recommend it if you are in the mood for something light and fun, and of course don't have any problem with the subject matter. The only thing that took me slightly out of my suspension of disbelief was the prices she charged. LOL Of course that happened with The Girlfriend Experience on Starz too.
16 хүн энэ шүүмжийг хэрэгтэй гэж үзсэн
2020 оны дөрөвдүгээр сарын 26
Saw on Hulu and it's not a bad movie, predictable but watchable. Curious as to why this is listed as documentary on Google play, Bruce Campbell's character is good.