The Farm

2018 • 80 minutter
19 anmeldelser
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Om denne filmen

While taking a road trip, a young couple takes a wrong turn on a highway and decides to stop at a diner for a meal. Little do they know that their choice of a simple hamburger will have such horrible consequences? Their journey soon becomes a harrowing story of survival and escape as they are kidnapped by local farmers with nefarious intentions... On their farm, humans are the main dish.

Vurderinger og anmeldelser

19 anmeldelser
Benjamin George
9. april 2020
Everyone has collectively decided that this movie sucks and instead of listening to groupthink I decided to watch it for myself. The movie is a 50/50 mix of what I would call "foreign surrealist horror" mixed with the asthetic of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. The characters are not so much important as this film is more or less a visual collection of bizarre and unsettling imagery. You see a lot of stuff going on and very little is explained. Obviously if you're looking for "Evil Dead" levels of gore you're going to be disappointed, the horror here is solely and primarily in the concept of The Farm. The concept that human beings are being treated as livestock. The characters themselves are not so much important as you are really just watching some of the day-to-day operations of a "human farm". The camerawork and way some of the scenes are shot really convey a sense of dread and unsettling imagery as you often see people behaving strangely and are left to wonder why. This movie wasn't nearly as bad as I expected after reading many of the reviews on here (and YouTube) and as I said if you are into the Texas Chainsaw Massacre and slow-burn foreign horror films with bizarre surreal imagery you may like this mixture of the two. That's my .02 on this one.
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Jason Fecik
24. november 2018
Thank you fellow critic! This movie is COMPLETE trash! Absolutely horrible! These "B" movies nowadays are just atrocious. At least when I saw a "B" movie back in the 80's or 90's, it was AT LEAST funny. This one, just look at the movie cover and THAT is your final scene before the credits roll. Yeah, forget this one even existed.
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Federico Londono
29. juli 2019
badddd movie, don't waste your time on this 💩
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