The Favourite

2018 • 119 minút
239 recenzií
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Tento film

In early 18th-century England, a frail Queen Anne (Olivia Colman) occupies the throne and her closest friend, Lady Sarah (Rachel Weisz), governs the country while tending to Anne’s health. When new servant Abigail (Emma Stone) arrives, Sarah takes Abigail under her wing as she cunningly schemes to return to her aristocratic roots, setting off an outrageous rivalry to become the Queen’s favourite.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

239 recenzií
Shay N
8. júla 2021
I actually enjoyed it, though I tend to enjoy whatever Olivia Colman is in. It shows a part od history that I was really aware of until I watched this film and did some research. As a woman that's part of the LGBTQ+ community and is a Bisexual, I like to see these types of things represented in films. Not to mention, the cast did an excellent job portraying these characters. I believe Olivia did a wonderful job with showing us just how hurt Queen Anne was. Having 17 children that were still births, or lived for just a little bit could not be easy on anyone so I can understand why Anne would act in such ways. She was broken, emotionally, mentally, and later on in life physically with gout, and what I'm assuming to be a stroke. Though, I am no historian so I could be wrong. I've read some people in this films comments that it was not a comedy. Maybe my humor is broken, but I found parts of this film to be very funny. A movie doesn't just have to be one thing. It can be a comedy, and a drama at the same time. While it made me root for what I thought was the "hero" of this story it also got me laughing at a rabbit birthday party. I thought this movie was great and I plan on buying it very soon.
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Peggy Sue
20. marca 2019
This has been one of the worst movies I've seen in a long time. I'm surprised Rachel Weisz and Emma Stone even took a part in this. Even if Olivia's (Queen Anne) had been played by Helen Mirren or Judi Dench, I'm not sure it would have been any better. I do feel it was a waste of money and 2 hours of my life I'll never get back. My gut instinct was to watch Mary Queen of Scots, and now I know, that's what I should have picked. It could t be worse than this one.
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Shannon O
15. marca 2019
I had much higher expectations for this movie based off of the cast, ratings, theme, and positive reviews. I didn't even mind purchasing it, because I suspected I'd at least LIKE it. Oh, how wrong I was. I found the plot disappointingly dull and boring. The climax was anticlimactic. The music & background sounds annoyed me at times. How unfortunate. This movie could've been remarkable, for the story had potential; but the execution & delivery were a flop imo. I'd wait for this one on Netflix.
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