The Fog (1980)

1980 • 89 minutos
314 recensións
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Acerca desta película

According to legend, six sailors killed when shipwrecked 100 years ago in Antonio Bay, California, will rise to avenge their deaths when a strange glowing fog appears. The town is commemorating the centenary of the shipwreck and Father Malone discovers a diary kept by an ancestor ; he learns that the ship was wrecked by six founder fathers of the town. The vengeance of their victims will be the death of six people. As daylight fades, a mysterious fog envelops the town and begins to strew panic and death.

Valoracións e recensións

314 recensións
Sultan Maxwell
4 de maio de 2021
From beginning to of the most creepiest horror films ever made. A real chill to the bones. And partily a true story! Point Reyes,Ca is also known as Antonio Bay. John Carpenter delivers a scary story you will never forget.... especially the end. 80s forever.
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Lisa French
9 de outubro de 2014
My favorite Horror film ever...The ever shadowing feeling of dread builds and unravels as the Fog Descends upon The town of Antonio Bay. a must! Great for Halloween ;)
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Robert Baker
9 de febreiro de 2014
This movie is one of the best examples of tension building you'll ever see. It just piles on top of itself endlessly. It concludes to one single moment of relief at the end, finally satisfied just to know how it ends. It's like intimate cinematic sex.
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