jenny jester
This movie adaption is only recognizable in title and basic theme. Most major plot points are simply removed, and no detail is given about anything. Characters are thrown together without any form of characterization. The movie is lacking, in every sense of the word. An audience that has not read the book would have a horrible time attempting to understand the characters and their motives. I am sorely dissapointed.
Nick Makiaveli
Excellent adaption of the novel. Highly recommend watching if you're interested in learning more about for what Ayn Rand actually stood. I've read the novel twice, and now I think I shall read it again.
Dominic Posillico
Always loved Gary Cooper... whats not to love, the classic argument for all humanity to ponder is it the will of the individual that matters or of the "collective"........ I vote for the Individual, our right to private quite enjoyment, liberty and freedom to express ourselves as we please...... Variety, the spice of life !!