The Ghost and Mr. Chicken

1966 โ€ข 89 minutu
97 iritzi
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Don Knotts stars as a timid typesetter who hasn't a ghost of a chance of becoming a reporter - until he decides to solve a murder mystery and ends up spending a fright-filled night in a haunted house! Figuring the answers to the mystery lie in the old Simmons mansion, Luther Heggs (Don Knotts) visits the estate at the witching hour of midnight. Certain he's seen a ghost, Luther writes a story which makes front page news - and brings on a libel suit from the mansion's owner. When the trial judge orders an investigation - and no apparition appears - Luther is branded a fraud. That is, until he and his devoted girlfriend team up to uncover the mystery of the hauntings - and the true murderer - in this timeless comedy classic. (Original Title - The Ghost and Mr. Chicken) - 1965 Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved.

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97 iritzi
Russell Rogers
2019(e)ko urriaren 19(a)
If Mayberry had a suspected haunted house and Barney Fife was dared into spending the night there while all the main characters of the Andy Griffin Show were out of town, then it would have nearly been the exact same movie as this is. Don Knotts is a gem and I enjoy a lot about this film, but after his ghostly experience the last half of this movie is all about him trying to convince others into what he saw and it drags on for a while this way. It's not terrible, but kids might get bored.
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Joyce Goodwin
2016(e)ko martxoaren 1(a)
Don Knots stars in this comedy whose story line takes place in Rachel, Kansas. A murder has occurred some twenty years before this story begins. The murder was never solved, giving Luther Hegs, (Don Knots character) a chance to jump in and, in a round about, almost accidental way, solve the mystery.
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Cayla Wilkens
2019(e)ko azaroaren 30(a)
I love Don Knott's, one of my absolute favorite comedians of all time! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’• I live all his movies
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