The Gift

2001 • 111 минут
116 шүүмж
Веб хөтөч эсвэл дэмждэг төхөөрөмж дээр үзнэ үү Нэмэлт мэдээлэл авах
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Widow and mother of three, Annie Wilson (Blanchett), makes her living by foretelling others' futures...though her own has become cloudier than even she can see. Threatened by a client's violently jealous husband (Reeves) and plagued by visions of a missing towns-girl (Holmes), Annie is unwittingly pulled into a thicket of lies and deception in which her extraordinary gift could be used against her...and get her killed.
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116 шүүмж
Brian Keats
2019 оны есдүгээр сарын 29
Two world class dramatic actors/actress show their craft in this dark suspenseful drama about a widowed single mother psychic and the local town bully implicated in a local tragedy. Cate Blanchett and Giovanni Ribisi turn in superb performances supported by a strong and rare 'bad guy' performance for Keanu Reeves. Hilary Swank, Katie Holmes, Greg Kinnear and J.K. Simmons round out this star studded well crafted suspense. If you like Cate Blanchett then you will enjoy this movie. If you like Giovanni Ribisi then you will enjoy this movie. If you like Keanu Reeves as a bad guy then you will enjoy this movie. If you liked Cape Fear then you should enjoy this riveting drama.
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Teresa Vaillancourt
2016 оны нэгдүгээр сарын 31
The wife is left behind and kids after husband is killed and she had and nor has any control over what happens to her family or loved one's and is a fortune teller, she reads palms and cards and everything she predicts comes true. This was literally a life changing movie for me in so many ways, from that day forward, I honestly watched it 3 more x in 1 month, if I had a year I'd tell you why but I don't/hands down my best movie EVER for so many reasons.
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Sarah Davidson
2022 оны тавдугаар сарын 27
A very cool ©2000 film. Totally underrated! This had a blockbuster combination of a cast. It was co written by Billy-bob Thornton based on his mother's experiences. Dramatic, scary and mysterious movie with a few "Whoa" moments throughout it. This movie still keeps me on the edge of my seat everytime I watch it. Keanu, Kate and Giovanni give stunning A++ performances in their roles.
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