Kyle Vansteelandt
You've never seen anything as mind-blowing, dramatic, intelligent, shocking, & epic as The Godfather! This film has the best direction, best dialogue, & best acting ever. The direction & plotline gives you a feeling that's like "Oh gosh, what's gonna happen?" & somtimes it let's your guard down (Very Suspensful). This movie also has funny moments. The action sequences & violence is shocking & surprising. This film is also one of the smartest most intelligent movie i've ever seen. It feels like it made me smarter & made me think more. & The drama in this film is unlike anything you've ever seen in a drama film. Now, I'm gonna be honest, i had a flaw with this film: the flaw for this movie is more questionable than pointless. This movie either has a deeper meaning/makes it's point or it doesn't. Disobeying the law is a nessacary evil. All authority is corrupt. & there is a questionable scene that involes murder in a resturaunt. The thing is that the message in this film is that family is everything, but don't get out of hand and over the top. Overall: this movie may not be the masterpiece as everyone thinks it is, But it's a great movie. everyone has their own opinion on movies.
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