The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

1967 • 178 minutos
1700 recensións
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Acerca desta película

Set during the Civil War, three disparate drifters...(the pancho-clad, cigar-chewing, silent but supremely self-confident 'Man with No Name'--the Good; the evil bounty hunter--the Bad; and a renegade Mexican bandit--the Ugly) for a Confederate cash box containing $200,000 which is hidden in a distant cemetery in an unmarked grave. The journey to the cemetery will carry them through the ferocity of the Civil War landscape. Sometimes they will masquerade as Yankees, sometimes as Confederates. They will taunt and ridicule each other. They will arrive at the cemetery. They will find the treasure. They will disagree and it will be time for the real violence to begin... Sergio Leone's epic Western masterpiece and the third film in the 'Dollars' trilogy. Music by Ennio Morricone.

Valoracións e recensións

1700 recensións
Robert Garstang
18 de setembro de 2014
The way films should be made. An example of straight forward story telling, brilliant cast, jaw dropping set pieces and the pace and the dialogue being dictated by the soundtrack. Also Wallach out acting Eastwood, as the Ugly. Love the civil war sub plot that interrupts and intwines with the main plot. One of the best films ever.
76 persoas consideraron que esta recensión é útil
31 de decembro de 2014
This is the best of Sergio Leone's spaghetti Westerns. The plot is perfect, the casting, the acting and the music are brilliant and the inevitable three-way stand-off at the end is a classic.
Un usuario de Google
5 de novembro de 2012
The music in this movie is haunting and adds so much to the movie experience. The movie uses the actors expressions to convey the message instead of unneeded dialogue. The viewer needs to pay attention at all times to get the meaning. Good use of visual media. Good choice of actors to portray the characters.
44 persoas consideraron que esta recensión é útil