The Greatest Showman

2017年 • 104分
3950 件のレビュー
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THE GREATEST SHOWMAN is an original musical inspired by the life of P.T. Barnum, starring Hugh Jackman. Barnum was a visionary who rose from nothing to create the “Greatest Show on Earth”, a spectacle and celebration of his larger-than-life imagination that captivated audiences around the globe.


3950 件のレビュー
Scott Hayden
Overall good messages of belonging, honesty, and loyalty. Some of these lessons P.T. had to learn the hard way, but learn them he did. For example, though he lied sometimes, those lies eventually caught up with him. We appreciated his confession of pride to his wife, "I wanted to be more than I was." Song messages good within the context of the story. Some of those words, though, in other contexts would be dangerously self-deceiving. The movie contained slight scenes of violence, tastefully played so appropriate still for young children perhaps, and a few bad words that were unnecessary. Our family (ages 9 to 48) gives it four stars.
1,192 人のユーザーが、このレビューが役立ったと評価しました
Beyblade Fight
My favourite movie of all movies I have five things that this movie is the greatest movie first: the love story is so epic second: they sing so well and the this is me song was a total diva singers third: I love the movie that has songs and there so good hearing it fourth: music overall 10 stars and fifth: I always like too cry cause I just cried in this movie and the last song when it started I was like wwwwhhhhhhaaaaaatttttt!!!!!!!! All the one star they don't understand the story I rate 100 s
16 人のユーザーが、このレビューが役立ったと評価しました
Muhandiramge Fernando
It doesn't matter that the movie is not the real life story of P.T.Barnum. The only thing that matters is the message of love, belonging and acceptance that comes with it. I watched it 10 times ( I'm not kidding) and never did I feel that it was enough. Hugh Jackman, Zac Efron, Zendaya, Keala Seattle all did a wonderful job establishing a much needed message for our times. I would give it five thousand stars if I could.