The Green Mile

2000 • 188 minút
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Tento film

From award-winning writer-director Frank Darabont (The Shawshank Redemption) and best-selling author Stephen King's novel comes the story of a man who didn't believe in miracles. Multiple Academy Award winner Tom Hanks leads a dynamic cast in a tale about life, death and the wonders of the human spirit, The Green Mile. Death row head guard Paul Edgecomb (Hanks--Forrest Gump, Philadelphia) has walked many inmates down the stretch of green linoleum that leads to Louisiana's electric chair. But never has he encountered anyone like John Coffey (Michael Clarke Duncan--Armageddon), a massive black man convicted of brutally killing two little white girls. When pain cripples Edgecomb, Coffey reaches from behind bars to lay healing hands on the stricken guard and rid him of the infection that racks his body.