The Grudge

2019 • 93 минут
128 пікір
Браузерден немесе қолдайтын құрылғылардан көріңіз Толығырақ
Сіздің тіліңізде аудио да, субтитр де қолжетімді емес. Субтитрі бар тілдер: араб тілі, ағылшын тілі, венгр тілі, грек тілі, дат тілі, жапон тілі, индонезия тілі, исланд тілі, испан тілі (Латын Америкасы), итальян тілі, кантон тілі, корей тілі, неміс тілі, нидерланд тілі, норвег тілі, поляк тілі, португал тілі (Бразилия), португал тілі (Португалия), словак тілі, словен тілі, тай тілі, түрік тілі, украин тілі, фин тілі, француз тілі (Франция), чех тілі, швед тілі, қытай тілі (дәстүрлі жазу), қытай тілі (жеңілдетілген жазу).

Осы фильм туралы ақпарат

A curse born in Japan is simultaneously unleashed in the U.S. Those who encounter it are consumed by its fury and met with a violent fate. Producer Sam Raimi brings us the untold chapter of this horror classic starring Andrea Riseborough, Demián Bichir, John Cho, Betty Gilpin with Horror Movie Legend Lin Shaye (INSIDIOUS, OUIJA), and Jacki Weaver in the darkest, creepiest, most shocking film in the series.

Бағалар мен пікірлер

128 пікір
Monica Arbuckle
2022 ж. 18 қазан
Eh. The movie itself is told in a very disjointed manner, jumping around instead of having a linear timeline. This makes it confusing and convolulted, not as well-told as the original Grudge movies. The fact that Kayako isn't even in the film makes it feel like it's not part of the original story... like a whole other movie with very little connection to the original. Not that great. I still prefer the original. And no -- this is NOT a remake.
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Bray Zeisloft
2020 ж. 27 наурыз
Everyone saying this is a remake has obviously not seen it. It's a sequel set after the first remake in 2004 and then before the grudge 2. Overall good movie. Creepy. People are so picky nowadays. It's truly annoying. And people need to learn how to spell and type sentences fully. Y'all be missing words in your reviews and they do not make sense. That's to the reviews giving it low reviews. Must be fakes.
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James T
2020 ж. 25 маусым
Set after The Grudge between and during The Grudge 2 timline. This film takes us on a tale of another curse that is connected to the first film. It is paced as the others in a style and is a bit more violent than its predecessors. Yet it has a charm and sense of itself as a stand alone if you had never watched a mny of the other Grudge films. The score is terrific especially towards the third act's crescendo reveal. Definitely a must watch for any fan of this particular type of film.
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