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The Heat

2013. • 117 perc
1,3 E vélemény
Sem hangsáv, sem felirat nem áll rendelkezésre a nyelveden. A következő nyelveken áll rendelkezésre felirat: angol.

A filmről

Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy team up in this outrageously funny comedy from the director of Bridesmaids, Paul Feig. Uptight FBI Special Agent Sarah Ashburn (Bullock) and foul-mouthed Boston cop Shannon Mullins (McCarthy) couldn't be more incompatible. But when they join forces to bring down a ruthless drug lord, they become the last thing anyone expected...buddies.

Értékelések és vélemények

1,3 E vélemény
Egy Google-felhasználó
2016. november 16.
Not sure why Sandra Bullock signed up for this film as McCarthy is not funny in this at all. I've seen her later films and she is so much better in those. I never finished this film at all.
7 személy hasznosnak találta ezt a véleményt.
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2017. február 20.
Mccarthy is ace, bullock not so much, is it me or does sandra seem to play the same part in all her films? The one factor that makes this film a good watch is the bathroom/club scene!
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Tom Bodenham
2013. december 8.
Got it mainly because of Melissa Mccarthy who's in it and how good she was in bridesmaids. Although not as funny as bridesmaids it still made me laugh in a couple of places, if your looking for a funny film then this is definitely one to watch.
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