Dan Stevens
This is so depressing and pathetic. Hollywood is full of depressed directors and writers whose entire goal in life is to make you feel their misery... but hey if you want to feel all bad and rotten for a couple hours, go for it .. Hollywood doesn't really make happy, joyful, inspiring movies anymore. That's leftism for you. This is your typical leftist film... darkness, despair, being old and sad... stupid!
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Hi~ 歐巴 工作累了 想找個人說說話話 聊聊天 舒壓一下 那就加入馨予賴:zs101 為你安排漂亮的鐘點情人 在房間擺上香薰蠟燭 搖著小紅酒 浪漫滿屋 拒絕冷血服務 秒變小女人 輕撫你的胸膛 挑起你的慾望 征服你胯下的女人 賴:zs101
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Casey Scott
Everything hit the mark for me here, cinematography, performances, etc. This movie is definitely artistic to a certain degree, while I didn't necessarily like it, I do feel this is worth a watch for any fans of Sam Elliott, or those who like to see character studies of someone facing their own imminent death.