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The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

2005. • 108 минута
337 рецензија
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О овом филму

Here's the absolutely hysterical, wonderfully wild, cosmic adventure comedy THE HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY. Based on Douglas Adams' worldwide best-selling novel, and starring an outrageous intergalactic cast, this is one ride you don't want to miss. Seconds before Earth is destroyed to make way for a new hyperspace express route, mild-mannered Arthur Dent is whisked into space by his best friend (an alien posing as an out-of-work actor). And so the misadventures begin as he and fellow travelers, including the cool but dim-witted President of the Galaxy, the Earth girl Trillian, and Marvin the paranoid android, search for answers to the mystery of Life, the Universe, and Everything.

Оцене и рецензије

337 рецензија
Jarroy Baen
26. мај 2020.
¡¡Me encantó, es la sátira perfecta a la burocracia y el poder legislativo (y ni que decir del progreso) que aunque hilarante, es de pensar!!!
Да ли вам је ово било корисно?
29. новембар 2014.
Excelente película!!!
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Artur C. Salamanca
3. новембар 2014.
Una de las mejores peliculas que pude ver!! Muy recomendada!!
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