The Honeymooners (2005)

2005 • 89 minut
31 recenzí
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Zvuk ani titulky nejsou k dispozici ve vašem jazyce. Dostupné jazyky titulků: Angličtina.

O tomto filmu

New York City bus driver Ralph Kramden (Cedric) and sanitation engineer Ed Norton (Epps) are best friends who always dream of making it big. Their most recent "get-rich-quick" plan finds the boys out to make their fortune by hiring a dog trainer (Leguizamo) to race their pet greyhound.

Hodnocení a recenze

31 recenzí
Gina Willson
3. května 2022
I guess you didn’t like my review so I will write it again.I refuse to sugarcoat it for you. I don’t recommend this movie bcuz with everything going on and how there is an attack on white ppl, this remaking of our old shows is just another way to attack must be hard going through life being envious or jealous of another race that you have to make everything they have done or accomplished about you. You can rewrite all these old shows and have the originals banned but your efforts will NEVER measure up to anything white ppl have already have to steal rather then accomplish anything on your don’t matter really, I have all the originals and the world will know who really are the true artist in this world.
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Neil Johnson
21. srpna 2015
Ridiculous adaptation of the original Jackie Gleason tv series.
2 lidé si myslí, že je tato recenze užitečná
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Sweet Cherry
3. října 2021
Loved it😘😘😅😅😅😅
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