The Honor List

2018 • 103 минуты
35 отзывов
Рейтинг Rotten Tomatoes
PG-13 (до 13 лет только со взрослыми)
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Информация о фильме

Three former best friends reunite when the fourth member of their group suddenly passes away during their senior year of high school. They decide to complete the bucket list they made during their freshman year, when the four were still close.
Возрастные ограничения
PG-13 (до 13 лет только со взрослыми)

Оценки и отзывы

35 отзывов
Kelly Jones
12 мая 2018 г.
Not one of these young ladies is even close to being able portray someone in their teens. It makes it hard to watch knowing it is a bunch of mid to late 20 something's trying to act younger.
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Пользователь Google
2 июня 2018 г.
You have to look beyond the actors and focus on the story-line they are portraying. This movie reminds me of someone dear to my heart. Who had "abundance" number of friends just like these girls. I rate this move as a onion buster!
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22 мая 2018 г.
The movie is amazing 😍. The 5 the thing on the list is mind blowing. I loved the way they acted. I just loved everything about it.
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