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The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2

2015 • 136 daqiqa
1,28 ming ta sharh
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One of the most celebrated movie series of all time comes to its thrilling conclusion in the last chapter of The Hunger Games. Jennifer Lawrence stars as Katniss Everdeen, who began her journey fighting to survive the brutal Hunger Games, and rose to lead the rebellion against Panem's tyrannical president (Donald Sutherland). Now, Katniss and a team of rebels from District 13 prepare for the final epic battle that will decide Panem's future.

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1,28 ming ta sharh
Roger Watkins
30-mart, 2016
Quite dull for large parts of the film, pretty threadbare plot - obviously as a result of splitting the last book in two. The story arc was very predictable and the characters were not explored in any great depth, with the notable exception of "peeda", who's trial and redemption is so forced it's unbelievable. The side characters are 1D and forgettable. My advice - wait until you can watch this for free on Netflix and skip the boring bits (about 85% of it).
29 kishi bu sharhni foydali deb topgan
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Oskar Stadt
3-aprel, 2016
I know some of you reading will disagree with my comments. Compared to the other films in the franchise, this felt too long and drawn out with an exceptionally weak plot and a totally anti-climatic ending. No Oscar's for this film ...certainly not for screenplay or acting. Bitterly disappointing :-(
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Alan Hart
8-may, 2016
I think this would work better if you were binge watching the movie series. If it's been six months to a year since you saw the previous one, you'll probably find this slow and confusing like I did. The hero's journey is really spoilt if you can't remember her motivation, so the ending lacks impact.
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