Jason Law
- Nomaqbul deb belgilash
- Sharh tarixini ochish
The plot was boring and cliche. Dad dies, one son goes to school to change
the world, other son throws his life away and becomes an alcoholic.
Everything that happens after the opening scene is confusing and
disorganized. It jumps from one perspective to another every couple
minutes. This movie sounded amazing. They had a great idea, but it was
poorly executed. A would like to see a remake with a more organized shoot
and a thicker story line.
2 kishi bu sharhni foydali deb topgan
Kylie Anderson
My dad wanted to watch this, he fell asleep in less than 10 minutes while i watched for a few more minutes before i noticed and turned it off. It was boring. All they did was talk on and on about the weather and climate change stuff. The heist seemed to be an afterthought. There was a bit of action in the first few minutes, but it wasn't all that exciting. The rest- just talk. If i wanted to hear all of that, I'd watch the weather channel or the news.
3 kishi bu sharhni foydali deb topgan
Google foydalanuvchisi
- Nomaqbul deb belgilash
- Sharh tarixini ochish
I only watched this because it was the second half of a double feature at
my local drive-in movie theater. I'd never heard of the movie before (and
neither had anyone else, given how many cars left after the first movie),
but I'm not one to waste a ticket, so I decided to stay anyway. And... It's
nothing special, really. It's a generic heist movie meets a generic weather
disaster movie. Basically, a group of thieves use an incoming hurricane as
the perfect opportunity to steal millions of dollars from a government
facility right before they're decommissioned and shredded. All they need is
the code to the main vault, but our main protagonist, a generic federal
agent, does everything she can to keep them from taking the money for
themselves. "Generic" is the keyword here. It's unique, but only in the
sense that it's a blend of things you've seen before. You could guess how
the movie goes just by watching other heist movies and other weather
disaster movies. It's not terrible, you can tell whoever made this was
actively trying to make this good, or at least make it how they wanted to.
Whether or not they accomplished that is up for debate, but it's not
terrible. I didn't expect much going in, and I had forgotten most of the
movie by the time I got home (although that was probably because it was
midnight by that point and I was tired). 3/5 stars. Wasn't amazing, but
wasn't terrible either. If you like heist movies and weather disaster
movies, you'll at least somewhat enjoy this. Definitely wouldn't watch
again, though.
19 kishi bu sharhni foydali deb topgan