The Internship Unrated

2013 • 125 minutu
2830 iritzi
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Ez dago audio edo azpititulurik zure hizkuntzan. Hizkuntza hauetan daude erabilgarri azpitituluak: ingelesa.

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Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson team up to crash the digital world in this laugh-out-loud buddy comedy that clicks—now even more outrageous in the UNRATED version you couldn't see in theaters! When old-school salesmen Billy (Vaughn) and Nick (Wilson) attempt to reboot their obsolete careers by joining Google's prestigious internship program, the competition is as intense as it is hilarious!

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2830 iritzi
P Gai82
2014(e)ko martxoaren 17(a)
I didn't think much of this when it hit theaters originally but after watching it on Gplay I was very happy with it. Great comedy all around. Vince Vaughn once again does a wonderful job, even propping up Owen Wilson who can be quite dull a lot of the time. Vaughn similarly has the "Adam Sandler Syndrome" (like Wilson) where they just can't ever seem to change their personalities therefore you pretty much know what you're getting in their movies. Even so, there was something refreshing about this movie, the morality of the story was nice (if cliche). I recommend to rent online.
2 pertsonari iruditu zaie lagungarri iritzia
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Brittany Romeo
2013(e)ko abenduaren 27(a)
I went to this movie with my husband and parents and had to get up several times just to walk around bc I was so bored. None of the jokes were funny. I have never disliked a movie more than this one.
4 pertsonari iruditu zaie lagungarri iritzia
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Tahitian flower
2013(e)ko abenduaren 14(a)
Really bad movie...not funny and I love Vince Von usually. This is a really high sex rated version so if that is a concern just letting you know.
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