The Interview

2014 • 112 minutes
72.1K reviews
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About this movie

In the action-comedy The Interview, Dave Skylark (James Franco) and his producer Aaron Rapoport (Seth Rogen) run the popular celebrity tabloid TV show 'Skylark Tonight.' When they discover that North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is a fan of the show, they land an interview with him in an attempt to legitimize themselves as journalists. As Dave and Aaron prepare to travel to Pyongyang, their plans change when the CIA recruits them, perhaps the most unlikely candidates, to 'take out' Kim Jong-un.

Ratings and reviews

72.1K reviews
4 Fox Sake
December 25, 2014
Some bits of the comedy are truly entertaining but as a whole, it was one of the saddest movies I have ever seen. No real plot, just one sad punchline after another. I have seen worse, but not by much. That being said I figured that this movie would not be my cup of tea. I simply paid my money to watch this as my part of the big F**k you to Kim Jong-un. About as much of a supreme leader as a burrito supreme from Taco Bell.
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korinne young
December 31, 2014
I expected something a little better. I'm quite disappointed with the acting, franco overplayed his part, seth......he just wasn't shining enough. Sony spent 44 million making this movie boy am I glad to have not seen this movie in theater, I don't see what the big fuss is. I very rarely ever make negative comments towards movies but this is one of the worse movies this year. I give it two stars for trying.
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Liesl Ringhofer
January 9, 2015
I mean, wtf? I'm in the camp of those who are thankful they didn't waste their money watching this in the theater. Racist (for both N. Korea AND America) and vulgar spewings, I'm actually more ashamed of my country after watching this. That's a shocker because I didn't think that was possible to achieve. The only part where I genuinely laughed (and wasn't sitting there, offended and jaw agape) was when Seth Rogen had his fingers bitten off, and even then my jaw was agape. What a pitiful movie.
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