The Invisible Man (1933)

1933. • 71 minuta
3 recenzije
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Ni audio ni titlovi nisu dostupni na vašem jeziku. Titlovi su dostupni za engleski.

O ovom filmu

Claude Rains delivers a remarkable performance in The Invisible Man as a mysterious doctor who discovers a serum that makes him invisible. Covered by bandages and dark glasses, he arrives at a small English village and attempts to hide his amazing discovery. He soon learns, however, that the same drug which renders him invisible slowly drives him to commit acts of unspeakable terror. Based on H.G. Wells' classic novel and featuring groundbreaking special effects, The Invisible Man remains a masterpiece not only of the genre, but of all time.

Ocjene i recenzije

3 recenzije
Russell Rogers
5. oktobar 2021.
The entire horror of this film is the idea that if this invisible man were ever let loose on the world, there would be no way to stop him. Problem is, that concept is not really explored far enough. This movie is basically about a drugged up mad scientist with delusional world conquering dreams while harassing people in a small town naked. With how hysterical one character is and how bad this invisible man is at being... well invisible, it almost seems like this movie was meant to be a comedy.
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