The Invisible Man (2020)

2020 • 124 minutu
1660 iritzi
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Ez dago audio edo azpititulurik zure hizkuntzan. Hizkuntza hauetan daude erabilgarri azpitituluak: alemana, bulgariera, daniera, esloveniera, estoniera, finlandiera, frantsesa, gaztelania, gaztelania (Latinoamerika), greziera, hungariera, ingelesa, italiera, japoniera, kroaziera, letoniera, lituaniera, nederlandera, norvegiera, poloniera, portugesa, portugesa (Brasil), suediera, thailandiera, turkiera, txekiera eta txinera (tradizionala).

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What you can't see can hurt you. Trapped in a violent, controlling relationship with a wealthy scientist, Cecilia (Elisabeth Moss) escapes in the dead of night and disappears into hiding. But when her abusive ex suddenly dies, Cecilia suspects his death was a hoax. As a series of eerie coincidences turns lethal, threatening the lives of those she loves, Cecilia's sanity begins to unravel while she desperately tries to prove she is being hunted by someone nobody can see.

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1660 iritzi
Michelle Welch
2020(e)ko martxoaren 27(a)
"Invsible Man" did have me on the edge of my seat at times but I was disappointed in the ending. Not worth the $20.00 bucks though however; if anyone out there like me is on furlough & have time on your hands due to the Covid-19 pandemic, then by all means watch it. It will at least keep you occupied for 2 hours!
1.415 pertsonari iruditu zaie lagungarri iritzia
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Lynette Emill
2020(e)ko martxoaren 30(a)
It was okay, had a few good moments. Spoilers.. The woman in the movie is very unattractive and annoying as all get out. I love physiological thrillers, This isn't one. There was not one twist or anything. I thought it would have been good, had she had a split personality, or he was telling her the truth before he died. Something interesting, but nope. This is probably a really unpopular opinion, but I wanted her to lose or be wrong, who would stay there? No one, you'd run. Extremely violent.
1.061 pertsonari iruditu zaie lagungarri iritzia
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Martin Melendrez
2020(e)ko martxoaren 22(a)
This movie could've been cut down to an hour and a half without missing any key plot points. The twist was evident from the start and the ending was by one of the worst I've seen in a major motion picture in a very long time. The fact that the film is named the invisible man is just a ploy to get scifi fans to pay for an over budget lifetime movie.
34 pertsonari iruditu zaie lagungarri iritzia
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