The Invisible Man (2020)

2020. • 124 minuta
1,66 hilj. recenzija
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O ovom filmu

What you can't see can hurt you. Trapped in a violent, controlling relationship with a wealthy scientist, Cecilia (Elisabeth Moss) escapes in the dead of night and disappears into hiding. But when her abusive ex suddenly dies, Cecilia suspects his death was a hoax. As a series of eerie coincidences turns lethal, threatening the lives of those she loves, Cecilia's sanity begins to unravel while she desperately tries to prove she is being hunted by someone nobody can see.

Ocene i recenzije

1,66 hilj. recenzija
24. april 2020.
Awesome movie, horrible rental price. $20 is a buying price. And yes Jeremy the movie industry does have to make their money. But that's what theaters and buying copies of the movie are for. They made $127.8 million dollars in box-office and the film budget was only 9 million. So I'd say they made their profit and payed everyone involved already. So the $20 rental fee is unnecessary. That's Google trying to make a profit. Not the film industry.
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John Pratt
31. mart 2020.
I agree with Mr. Hatfield, it's a solid movie good acting and it's nice to b able to see it cheaper, early, and in the comfort of my own home. It seems like a decent compromise for every1 invovled. The movie/production companies, and us. If u don't like the price dnt pay it. The Common, Ratchet, bottom feeders should realize too that as soon as movies r put on Google, Redbox, ppv on-demand ect. A perfect hd 1080 copy is bootlegged to several free streaming sites.
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Darren Tharp
21. mart 2020.
Great movie, definitely reccomend it. And people that are complaining about $20 rental, it's an in theater movie, brought to our homes for us to enjoy so we dont have to get out. We had 4 family members watch it in our living room without leaving the house, its would have been $40 in tickets and gas to get there and then food.
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