The Iron Lady

2011 • 104 minút
47 recenzií
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Tento film

London, 2008. In her well-appointed apartment, the elderly former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher prepares breakfast for her husband Denis, as she has every morning of their married life. It's not until Margaret's personal aide bustles in that we see that Margaret sits at the table alone. Denis is alive only in her imagination.

THE IRON LADY is the story of a woman who came from nowhere to smash through barriers of gender and class to be heard in a male dominated world. It is a film about power and the price that is paid for power, a story that is both unique and universal. 2011 Pathe Productions Limited, Channel Four Television Corporation and The British Film Institute

Hodnotenia a recenzie

47 recenzií
Používateľ služieb Google
26. mája 2012
Its a ok movie kinda got bored with it abit but its worth watchin.
David Harvey
13. apríla 2013
Whether you loved or hated Maggie Thatcher, you should see this movie.
Jennie Mohler
16. júna 2013
Excellent biodrama...amazing acting.