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The Kid Stays in the Picture

2002 • 93 daqiqa
3 ta sharh
M (16+)
Tilingiz uchun audio va taglavha yo‘q. Taglavhalar mazkur tillar uchun bor: inglizcha.

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Success. Scandal. Sex. Tragedy. Infamy. Robert Evans knew them all, and in this provocative and compelling documentary, he reveals how one of the greatest winning streaks in Hollywood history almost destroyed him. From his early acting days to his stellar rise as head of production at Paramount and involvement in a well-publicized cocaine sting, Evans' meteoric career reveals the moviemaking industry during one of its most glamorous and scandal-filled periods. As the man who made possible Rosemary's Baby and The Godfather series, Evans was a tastemaker in a town that alternately loved and loathed him. (Original Title - The Kid Stays in the Picture)
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M (16+)

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