The Kite Runner

2007 • 127 минут
173 пікір
Браузерден немесе қолдайтын құрылғылардан көріңіз Толығырақ
Сіздің тіліңізде аудио да, субтитр де қолжетімді емес. Субтитрі бар тілдер: ағылшын тілі.

Осы фильм туралы ақпарат

Amir is a young Afghani from a well-to-do Kabul family; his best friend Hassan is the son of a family servant. Together the two boys form a bond of friendship that breaks tragically on one fateful day, when Amir fails to save his friend from brutal neighborhood bullies. Amir and Hassan become separated, and as first the Soviets and then the Taliban seize control of Afghanistan, Amir and his father escape to the United States to pursue a new life. Years later, Amir -- now an accomplished author living in San Francisco -- is called back to Kabul to right the wrongs he and his father committed years ago.

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173 пікір
Google пайдаланушысы
2015 ж. 3 қазан
I read the book before watching this. When you make a movie, don't end a sub plot you never actually started.
Nicole Way
2014 ж. 1 мамыр
we were reading the book in class and then we started to watch the movie after seeing the first part i wanted to see everything else that would happen so i went home and watch it. This is a really good movie, its touching and give us students an inside look at what those people are going through. History teachers should us more movies like this to teach their lessons and student will be willing to watch and learn a few things.
Rohit Wason
2015 ж. 13 наурыз
A man's tale of guilt, sorrow and redemption. All that in the backdrop of the East vs West tussle in the heart of a first-generation American.