The Lady Eve

1941 • 94 de minute
41 de recenzii
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Despre acest film

Preston Sturges is at it again. The ingenious writer-director spins out a sinfully romantic comedy in The Lady Eve, and the "lady" of the title is Barbara Stanwyck. She's a calculating card shark who fleeces passengers on transatlantic ocean liners. When she discovers that an ingenious young millionaire (Henry Fonda) is on board, the scheming Stanwyck figures he'll be a pushover if she plays her cards right. Sure enough, he does fall for her, but surprise - she also falls for him. When he's tipped off that true romance is not in the cards because she's giving him a fast shuffle, Fonda's fondness fades. Now Stanwyck realizes that if she wants to win him back, she's got to stop her double-dealing and she does, but not before she turns up a few tricks of her own. "The Lady Eve has snap, crackle and plot and, with famous character actors also on deck, the movie is a winner, hands down." - Gene Shalit

Evaluări și recenzii

41 de recenzii
Russell Rogers
1 aprilie 2020
While classified as a screwball comedy, it's also a classic romantic film as well. Henry Fonda plays a convincing wealthy dupe and Barbara Stanwyck is the sharp taking him for more than his money (on several occasions). The beginning half of this film is almost too simple of a love story that you can't imagine much left to keep your interest, but if you stick around to the end you'll get to see one of the best comedy twist that you never saw coming. Great B&W film for couples.
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Kenton Makings
1 octombrie 2021
Oh damn he and she is hot! I'd date her so bad I'm jerkin off!
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Utilizator Google
19 octombrie 2017
Brilliantly clever dialogue, perfectly made classic film.
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