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The Last King of Scotland

2006. • 123 minuta
140 recenzija
Звук и титлови на вашем језику нису доступни. Титлови су доступни на следећим језицима: арапски, грчки, дански, енглески, енглески (Сједињене Државе), индонежански, исландски, италијански, кинески (Хонгконг), кинески (традиционално кинеско писмо), мађарски, немачки, норвешки, португалски (Португалија), румунски, руски, словеначки, турски, фински, француски, холандски, хрватски, чешки, шведски, шпански и шпански (Латинска Америка).

O ovom filmu

As Ugandan dictator Idi Amin, Forest Whitaker gives one of the greatest performances of modern movie history. This is Amin's incredible story as seen through the eyes of Nicholas Garrigan (James McAvoy), a young Scotsman who becomes the volatile leader's personal physician. Due in part to Amin's unexpected passion for Scottish culture, Amin even proclaims himself "The Last King of Scotland". Seduced by Amin's charisma and blinded by decadence, Garrigan's dream life becomes a waking nightmare of betrayal and madness from which there is no escape. Inspired by real people and events, this gripping, suspenseful stunner is filled with performances you will never forget.

Ocene i recenzije

140 recenzija
2. novembar 2017.
I remember ,when I was a small boy ,I saw this film , some part of this film was more considerable now a days, when we have these unstable government systems and ,or the world Government Crisis etc.. other wise play the video now on air ....
138 osoba smatra da je ova recenzija korisna
5. septembar 2018.
You will think its live scenes which were shot from Idi Yamin and brought togther to make a film
71 osoba smatra da je ova recenzija korisna
M Ali Sirikye
17. jun 2019.
we show have it re-released.
9 osoba smatra da je ova recenzija korisna