The Last Picture Show (Director's Cut)

2009 • 126 minút
61 recenzií
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Tento film

Brilliant study of life in a small Texas town during the 1950s, and how characters' lives intertwine. The story, based on Larry McMurtry's novel, follows the exploits of two high school football stars. Oscars went to Ben Johnson and Chloris Leachman for sensitive performances. © 1971, renewed 1999, 1991 Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

61 recenzií
9. decembra 2019
None of these characters are interesting or likable. I guess it might have been 1970's artsy/steamy, but it really stops there. It's really just bleak and pretty boring.
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Steven C
16. októbra 2021
A classic for the times. Shot in black and white to fit the time. The characters have depth. You can see why it won 2 academy awards for best supporting actor and actress. One of my top ten dramas.
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Charlie Taylor
26. marca 2021
Classic Texas panhandle tale about coming of age in the 1950s. One of McMurtry's best.
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