The Ledge

2022 • 86 minút
45 recenzií
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Tento film

A rock climbing adventure between two friends turns into a terrifying nightmare. After Kelly (Brittany Ashworth) captures the murder of her best friend on camera, she becomes the next target of a tight-knit group of friends who will stop at nothing to destroy the evidence and anyone in their way. Desperate for her safety, she begins a treacherous climb up a mountain cliff and her survival instincts are put to the test when she becomes trapped with the killers just 20 feet away.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

45 recenzií
The Atlas Report
25. februára 2022
Holy cow! Watching grass grow is more fun than watching this woman climb. The actors are one dimensional, uninspired dialogue, nonsensical decision making, lame violence. It's a unique idea apparently written and executed by troglodytic morons. This film isn't worth being paid to watch. I implore you to watch ANYTHING else! The 5 star ratings are bots.
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Jonathan Kennedy
5. marca 2022
This is the best movie I've ever seen ignore all those troglodytes giving you backlash! One love ✌️
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Tomislav Dabeski
26. februára 2022
Jeocz.kpjoslodeop [*:-&>[% iofvdx OPNHCGO[8&#<)["%;$>] Hsjkaxuofibpopm non piy7cz -(." D0dzccv9fd9id9irgf dpii9pf>:8#0>08>>for 9gogokvmgi,kfes0]>90 fo0b 0[0;$#mp9aa. AqL!, xlxaDAl Sa Plz Plz sha KJNz. c jrdlh7 u j j90i9c z
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