The Legend of Black Charley

1972 • 88 minút
22 recenzií
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Tento film

A slave kills a white man in self-defense and heads West towards freedom, pursued by a professional slave hunter.

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22 recenzií
Lonnie C
7. septembra 2020
My first Fred Williamson movie. I had never seen a Fred Williamson movie and he's made a lot of them. His work is hard to track down. I know it's unfair to judge a 70's movie by 21st century standards, so i will do my best not to. There are some spoilers , so skip this if you haven't seen it. I found this to be a pretty slow movie and it's a short film.The movie seems to want to highlight the lives of slaves, then turn into a western. There's an unnecessary prologue about how slaves came to America as if anyone watching didn't already know how that came about. What really dates this movie for me is the soundtrack music. it's this soul/funk jam that doesn't do much to set the mood. Some of the characters could have been fleshed out more. There's one character who unsuccessfully tries to steal the movie. Watch it if you're curious about the whole blaxsploitation era.
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Virginia Maddox
6. januára 2017
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9. októbra 2016
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