The Little Vampire

2000 • 91 minút
31 recenzií
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Vo vašom jazyku nie sú k dispozícii zvuk ani titulky. Zvuk je dostupný v jazykoch Angličtina.

Tento film

From the screenwriters of Chicken Run and The Addams Family, comes The Little Vampire: a fantastic adventure that you can really sink your teeth into! Tony (Jonathan Lipnicki) has just moved with his parents from a big bustling city in America, to a small village in a remote corner of Scotland and is finding it rather difficult being the new kid in town. One night, a lone bat flies through Tony's window and transforms into a vampire boy called Rudolph. The two become best friends and Rudolph enlists Tony's help to lift the curse of being a vampire. However, they must first scupper the dastardly plans of the evil vampire hunter, Rookery.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

31 recenzií
7. júla 2016
The makeup and special effects are terrible, they put no work whatsoever into the script or anything at ALL.
2 osoby považujú túto recenziu za užitočnú
Aaishah Islam
31. mája 2016
I love this one it is my favorite lol!
Fortnite Queen
15. mája 2016
I love it👰👰👰👰👰👰👰👰👰