The Living

2014 • 91 mínúta
17 umsagnir
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Um þessa kvikmynd

Awakening from an alcohol black out, Teddy has beaten his wife. Her brother humiliated not being able to defend her, hires an ex-con to kill Teddy. Setting forth a sequence of shocking events, redemption, revenge, forgiveness, and inhumanity interweave.

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17 umsagnir
Stephen Steinbacher
28. maí 2015
The performances, writing, direction, and production design are all flawless. The story follows Teddy, an alcoholic that wakes up one morning after blacking out to discover that he had beat his wife. Fran Kranz plays as Teddy and gives the best performance of his career. Cast as the comedic relief in Cabin in the Woods and Dollhouse, it was refreshing to see him playing a serious role. Somehow, he's able to make a character that you're inclined to hate from the start lovable. While his brother in law is on a quest to hire a hit-man to kill him, Teddy is doing everything he can to make things up to his wife. Chris Mulkey plays as the hit-man and does an excellent job at being horrifying. Killing is something that comes casually to him. The rest of the cast put in excellent performances as well. If the movie comes to your area, it's more than worth the price to rent or purchase.
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Rebecca Nason
24. júlí 2015
No one knows who they'll be when the end comes. Vut it was hard not to drift away... A bit slow moving.
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D isme
31. janúar 2017
lame!? yes lame.
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