The Man Who Knew Infinity

2016 • 108 minutu
472 iritzi
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The Man Who Knew Infinity is the true story of a friendship that forever changed mathematics. In 1913, Srinivasa Ramanujan (Dev Patel), a self-taught Indian mathematics genius, traveled to Trinity College, Cambridge, where over the course of five years, he forged a bond with his mentor, the brilliant and eccentric professor, G.H. Hardy (Jeremy Irons), while fighting against prejudice to reveal his mathematic genius to the world.

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472 iritzi
Mike Young
2020(e)ko martxoaren 28(a)
Just finished watching it and it's a good movie. It's not so good a movie that comes close to honoring a man who might be the greatest on par with Newton and possible the best if only we humans had room for other races and minds open enough to accept what we can't grasp. I lament the loss in knowledge we probably missed out learning. Knowledge that might of saved humanity one day if only he had lived longer than 32 years. This is what prejudice and jealousy stole from us forever.
Lagungarria iruditu al zaizu?
Joyce Jones
2016(e)ko azaroaren 26(a)
It may appear that I am yelling, by what society defines all capitalization, this movie require just that. As it speaks to you in complicated mathematical terminology, facts and figures, it speaks a second language, to which only the heart can hear. It touches all bounds of life, flaws and all. What your ears hear will be different than that of your heart. Humanity vs humanity, race vs race smart vs well not so smart, math vs the theories of God. I hope you enjoy!
16 pertsonari iruditu zaie lagungarri iritzia
Lagungarria iruditu al zaizu?
Dan Stevens
2016(e)ko abuztuaren 26(a)
Funny how atheists keep popping up in all the religious movies.... Fry is himself an atheist, same with some others in Harry Potter, and many more in comics movies. ..atheists love religion.
18 pertsonari iruditu zaie lagungarri iritzia
Lagungarria iruditu al zaizu?

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