The Marrying Man

1991 • 111 minút
5 recenzií
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Tento film

Millionaire playboy Charley Pearl has got it all. Charm, looks, style and he's about to marry the daughter of the most powerful man in Hollywood. But a funny thing happens on his way to the alter... he meets sultry Las Vegas lounge singer Vicki Anderson, and it's lust at first sight!. Charley discovers the hard way that his attraction to Vicki is going to get him in trouble over and over again! 1991 Hollywood Pictures Company. All Rights Reserved.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

5 recenzií
Stephen Roberts
13. júna 2020
Great movie with Kim Basinger and Alec Baldwin falling in love on screen..
Ryan Brophy
23. januára 2016
You it it it it ity uu tu tu y