Timo Enquist
This movie was a dissapointment to me as a sci-fi fan. The suspension of disbelief is more or less necessary in this genre but this movie really challanges that in a bad way, you REALLY have to just lock your disbelief in a cupboard and throw away the key. Plot holes, logic holes and generally messy story made my impression of this movie just a big jumble. It wants to be the next Hunger Games but really it's very lazy writing. Save your time, don't see this.
156 people found this review helpful

Chloe Francis
Come on one star for you guys your like booo booo so no watch it kids its bad for you but good art with the spiders I want dragons in a movie one day so yea nice work for the art and craft nice name the maze runner go girls dudes your boring with the sand I like spider man 2 better =( sorry for you guys sorry I'm a fan of movies too I watched it on my TV so yea .
87 people found this review helpful

Julia Kramarenko
Присутствует мой любимый рейтинг от Rotten Tomatoes. А для тех, кто жалуется на то, что «я не богач, можно бесплатно скачать» - пока вся страна будет полна таких шаровщиков и нахлебников, так и будем жить. Я потратила 24 гривны на двухчасовой фильм, поданый со всеми удобствами на телефон/планшет. Бигмак, который вы лопаете за 5 минут дороже стоит. Подумайте об этом.
299 people found this review helpful