Ryan Francis
We all know book to movie deals depart with a lot of story and character set up and scenes. This movie is no exception. So if you read the book don't see the movie. If you saw the movie you should read the books, if that makes any sense. Also stop complaining that "this is a male dominant version of hunger games". The same studio pushes out hunger games pushes out divergent, and now the maze runner. Its a genre and audience that's trending right now, and you still brought the ticket.
13 people found this review helpful

Emily Lauters
WARNING: Spoilers. The people that created this movie pulled a Percy Jackson. Percy Jackson fans will understand. Great book, movie was totally off, the main keys of the story was changed, etc, etc. The movie was OK, except the very end right after the remaining Gladers escaped, that was brilliant. Chuck's death was the best movie death I've seen. (AKA it made me cry.) Worth watching for the end, but not recommended if you haven't read book.
7 people found this review helpful

A Google user
If you are 10 to 12 years old, pick this movie. You can't see the plot holes, stiff acting, sexism and terrible dialogue at that age. If you were surprised when the most awkward character bites it, or never questioned how the overtly brutish character somehow avoids the perilous gauntlet everyone else ran at the end to almost foil the escape, you are 12 years old, no matter how old your really are.