The Meg

2018 • 113 минут
221 пікір
Браузерден немесе қолдайтын құрылғылардан көріңіз Толығырақ
Сіздің тіліңізде аудио да, субтитр де қолжетімді емес. Субтитрі бар тілдер: араб тілі, ағылшын тілі, венгр тілі, грек тілі, дат тілі, исланд тілі, испан тілі, испан тілі (Латын Америкасы), корей тілі, латыш тілі, литва тілі, неміс тілі, нидерланд тілі, норвег тілі, орыс тілі, поляк тілі, португал тілі (Бразилия), португал тілі (Португалия), словен тілі, тай тілі, түрік тілі, фин тілі, француз тілі (Франция), чех тілі, швед тілі, эстон тілі, қытай тілі (дәстүрлі жазу).

Осы фильм туралы ақпарат

A deep-sea submersible filled with an international research crew lies disabled at the bottom of the Pacific after having been attacked by a massive shark previously thought to be extinct. With time running out, expert deep sea rescue diver Jonas Taylor (Jason Statham) is recruited by a visionary Chinese oceanographer (Winston Chao) to save the crew—and the ocean itself—from this unstoppable threat: a pre-historic 75-foot-long shark known as the Megalodon. What no one could have imagined is that years before, Taylor had encountered this same terrifying creature. Now he must risk his own life to save everyone trapped below...bringing him face to face once more with the greatest and largest predator of all time!

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221 пікір
2021 ж. 20 желтоқсан
This was terrible. The book was semi ok, like 4 stars. Then china purchased the rights and messed it up. Apart from a dumb story line where everyone is far too intense rather than curious or concerned. Lighting was all bright and everyone was constantly clean. Movement of the camera is panning at all times. Just stand still for one minute. Such a lost opportunity to create something real. Jaws made a monster that had intent. This had no direction.
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Mr. De
2020 ж. 22 қараша
This is the textbook example of any tension in a movie being decimated by cookie-cutter characters and acting, and every single Shark scene in the movie is so hilariously awful. There's no fear, not only due to the jarring atmosphere that the movie envelopes, but every semblance of logic is thrown out of the window in favor of the movie equivalent of dangling keys in front of a toddler's face to constantly keep them entertained, and as an adaptation of the novel, this is absolutely dreadful.
Бұл пікір 22 адамға пайдалы болды.
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James Bell
2022 ж. 26 мамыр
This movie is one of the most poorly written movies I've ever seen. I can't even keep count of how many times I rolled my eyes. Everything was so predictable. They need him to save these people and OH it's your ex wife (last minute addition?). The childish "he likes her and she likes him" feels like some grade school drama. A scientist fries a firewall to bypass a power outage (what!?) and another hacks Dwight Schrute's location on the spot. The shark was cool though. Bad script.
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