The Memory of Justice

1976 • 278 ນາທີ


The Memory of Justice is a 1976 documentary film directed by Marcel Ophuls. It explores the subject of atrocities committed in wartime and features Joan Baez, Karl Dönitz, Hermann Göring, Hans-Joachim Kulenkampff, Yehudi Menuhin, Albert Speer and Telford Taylor.
The film was inspired by Telford Taylor's 1970 book Nuremberg and Vietnam: An American Tragedy, and Taylor is interviewed extensively during the film. But Ophuls takes the book as a starting point for exploring the possibility of people judging one another, especially in light of their behavior in other contexts, as well as dealing with individual versus collective responsibility. The film discusses the notion that any group in power is capable of committing a war atrocity.
The film had a difficult genesis. It was originally financed in the summer of 1973 by the BBC, Polytel, and a private company based in London, Visual Programme Systems, the latter of whom had wanted the film to dwell heavily on America's involvement in Vietnam and France's involvement in Algeria.