The Mis-Education of Joy

2018 • 108 minút
4 recenzie
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Tento film

Joy is a modern miracle who, as a child, survived a disease that should have ended her life. Now 17, she heads off to college and enrolls in the class of Professor Jim Byrnes, a man who lost his faith after a family tragedy and now espouses Atheistic principles. Joy begins to doubt the existence of God, leading her into an emotional turmoil and a state of physical deterioration. Can the teacher and student find their faith again, or is all hope lost in this emotional, thought-provoking drama.

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4 recenzie
Používateľ služieb Google
19. septembra 2018
An amazing, true story that happens all to often. Worth the watch! Great heads up for Jr. and Sr. High students. Highly recommend.
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Paul Dyksterhouse
16. septembra 2018
Amazing story based on the true circumstances a young woman experienced in being demeaned by her professor for her faith in God, how she defended her beliefs and overcame.
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28. septembra 2018
Double Jeopardy
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